

Getting to Know Jesus: The Light and the Stumbling Block

Jesus is described as both the light and the stumbling block. How can one man be both? When we understand the answer to this puzzling question, we take one step towards understanding Jesus. Jesus, the Light “Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever… but there will be a time in the future when Galilee of

Getting to Know Jesus: Jesus the Confronter

Read Mark 10:13-16, Luke 13:10-17, Luke 11:37-54, and Luke 15:1-7 Jesus, although kind and compassionate was not afraid to confront those in power. He was direct and confrontational and often scolded those whose actions He viewed as causing injustice to the powerless. He called out both his friends and his enemies. He reprimanded His disciples for turning little children away

Getting to Know Jesus: The Jesus I Thought I Knew

I was first introduced to Jesus in the First United Methodist Church in my hometown of Nowata, Oklahoma. I remember sitting with my grandmother in the church’s sanctuary on the hard, cold pews thumbing through the hymnals to stay awake. Occasionally I’d glance to my left toward the windows where my eyes would be drawn to the images of Jesus

Getting to Know Jesus: Unbelief Shuts Out the Supernatural

Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth was a small town. The people from Nazareth knew Jesus’ background; they knew His mom, dad, and brothers. They knew He was the son of a carpenter. Knowing these things made it very difficult for them to believe that Jesus was anyone other than the son of Joseph and a carpenter. During Jesus’ ministry, He visited

Focus on the Promise Not the Problem

When we face a problem, how many times do we find ourselves searching frantically for the answer, only to realize later that the answer was right there in front of us? We fail to see the answer because we are too busy focusing on the problem.  That is exactly the situation a Samaritan woman found herself in one afternoon. Jesus

Zeal for Our Father’s House – John 2:13-21

Shortly after Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana, Jesus and His disciples traveled to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover celebration. Once in Jerusalem, Jesus and thousands of other Jewish people made their way to the Temple, the holiest place in the Jewish world. Upon entering the temple courts, Jesus “found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others

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