

1st Corinthians 1:18: What Does it Mean the Message of the Cross is Foolishness?

In his letter to the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul dives into the perplexing notion that the message of the cross is deemed foolish by some. This sentiment, he explains, is rooted in a clash between worldly wisdom and divine truth. As we journey through Paul’s words, we uncover three compelling reasons why the message of the cross elicits skepticism.

Navigating Scripture: Mastering Key Verse Mapping to Understand Bible

To help explain the meaning of Scripture, the DEEP Bible Study Method has developed a Key Verse Map. This map will guide you deeper into the Word and help you discover the text’s original meaning by focusing on key verses and keywords, their original meaning, and context.

Navigating 1st Corinthians: What to Expect Each Week

Hey there, fellow deep divers! We’re thrilled to invite you on a life-changing journey through 1st Corinthians. Our Bible study is designed to deepen your understanding and connection with Scripture, one book at a time, one chapter at a time. Here is what you can expect each week.

Mastering the DEEP Bible Study Method: Completing a Chapter Map

Discover the power of the DEEP Bible Study Method as we guide you through completing a Chapter Map. Similar to using the zoom feature on Google Maps, this method empowers you to dive deep into the text, uncovering hidden treasure and gaining a clearer understanding of the Bible’s message. In this video, we’ll take you through each step, showing you

Diving In with the DEEP Bible Study Method | Prayer & Preparation

Diving In is the preparation and prayer phase of DEEP Bible Study Method. Opening your Bible is one of the best things you’ll ever do. But before you open it, check your heart. How you approach this precious time in the Word will determine what you get from it. At Making Him Known, we encourage you to take the following

Iphone Notifications, Distraction
Be Still and Know God: 5 Ways to Hear God’s Voice in the Middle of the Chaos

Silencing our minds in a world that is full speed ahead can be challenging. Distractions begin to pile up as we crowd our minds with things that are not needed, leaving no space for the one “to-do” that matters: spending time with our Lord and hearing His voice. There are 5 things we can do to hear God’s voice in

Need Change? Do This One Thing

What is the most important thing in your life? What is your priority? Show me how you begin your day, and I’ll tell you what your priorities are. The way you start your day will affect the end of your day. Doing this one thing changed my life and it will change yours too.

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Learn How to Study the Bible for Yourself!

Start understanding the Word of God, today! This guide provides the tools and insights you need to study the Bible on your own. Perfect for beginners and those looking to deepen their knowledge.

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