

By Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov -, Public Domain,
Seal Judgments & the Olivet Discourse

The Book of Revelation describes three waves of God’s judgment of earth’s inhabitants, each wave progressively worsening. The judgments begin with the seven seal judgments, continue to the trumpet judgments, and end with the bowl judgments. Here we will discuss the first six seal judgments:  First seal (Rev 6:1-2) white horse, antichrist comes to conquer  Second Seal (Rev 6:3-4) red horse, open warfare breaks out  Third Seal (Rev 6:5-6) black horse, world famine  Fourth Seal (Rev 6:7-8) death

The Fifth Kingdom – Daniel’s Prophecies

Daniel’s statue prophecy and beast prophecy give us a solid prophetic framework for interpreting New Testament prophecy. The prophecy speaks of a fifth kingdom, a revived Roman Empire that will play a significant role in end time events.

Three Purposes of the Great Tribulation

The time between the Rapture of the Church and the Glorious Appearing of Christ is referred to by many names throughout the Bible. We, however, will refer to it as Christ did in Matthew 24:21 when He informed the disciples that there would be a tribulation, a period of intense suffering like the world has never known. Although we have

This Present Age

             The Old Testament prophesied of the birth of a Messiah who would overcome the world, set up His Kingdom, and bring peace to all.  Just as from a distance, two mountains are often seen as one, the Jews from the distance of the Old Testament viewed the Messianic coming as just one event.  The Old Testament hinted at what

Jesus’ Message to the Seven Churches of Revelation

The churches that Jesus chose to write letters to were real churches located in Asia Minor, now western Turkey. There are two explanations for why Jesus chose these specific 7 churches. The first is that these churches represent the varying spiritual conditions of churches throughout the church age. The second is that each of these churches represents the seven stages

Revelation: The Seven Lampstands, Stars, Churches

The Apostle John, the last living apostle of Jesus, was exiled to the island of Patmos by the Roman authorities for the faithful preaching of the Gospel (Revelation 1:9). While on the island of Patmos, he had a series of visions which he wrote down and now form the Book of Revelation. This book is divided into three parts: “the

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