If you’re married like me, you are probably well-versed with the word compromise. During our almost 29 years of marriage, this word has been applied numerous times. Especially if you’ve ever asked the question “What do you want for dinner?” Can anyone else relate?
Compromise is something that is applied in most of our relationships whether with our children, family, or friends.
But we must be careful with our compromises. Think of them as a commodity of sorts, especially when we look at the meaning of the word.
One definition of the word sounds relatively harmless – “to come to agreement by mutual concession.” An example of this type of compromise is when we compromise with our spouse on budget decisions or what’s for dinner. Or we go to a restaurant a friend loves but we don’t, you get the picture.
So, what happens when we find ourselves within another definition of the word? “to make a shameful or disreputable concession.
What if we spend our compromise commodity in the wrong way?
Maybe we’re compromising, out of fear, worry over loss of relationships, or not being included, maybe we want to avoid conflict or think one little compromise is harmless. Maybe we compromise with the tv shows we’re watching, the music we’re listening to, or the social media interactions we have. Maybe we’re giving up our quiet time with God, or watching pastors that aren’t teaching sound doctrine because we’ve gone to that church forever or their popular…
There are plenty of places in our lives we compromise. However, we must be careful with where, who, and when we’re doing it and at times, ask ourselves, “What am I compromising in my life that takes me away from Jesus?”
Here’s another way to think about it. Take Paul for example in 2 Corinthians chapter 6. Paul considered what his actions said about Christ. It’s the same for us. What we do, what we compromise on reflects what we believe.
As believers, we should stand true to God and refuse to compromise his standards for living.
“We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited.”
2 Corinthians 6:3
With that in mind, let’s ask ourselves again, “What am I willing to compromise on?” Besides where to go to dinner.
Lord, thank you for giving us the standard of how to live. Help us not compromise in any area of our life that would grieve You, let us be mindful of how we are reflecting what we believe with the compromises we make and with those we don’t. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
This week’s playlist:
Anne Wilson – My Jesus (Official Music Video) – YouTube
My Jesus
Anne Wilson
We The Kingdom – Don’t Tread On Me (Lyric Video) – YouTube
Don’t Tread On Me
We The Kingdom
Confident (Official Lyric Video) – Steffany Gretzinger & Bobby Strand | BLACKOUT – YouTube
Steffany Gretzinger