Whatever that is, is what we should desire.
But how often do we crave, desire, plea for or dare I say try and demand what we want?
There is no finger pointing here. This is a personal conviction.
To share a level of transparency, I’ve had the following emotions/reactions when battling between God’s will or mine…
- hurt and rejection
- self-righteousness and entitlement
- overwhelmed and anxiety
- laughter and happiness
- calm and acceptance ~humility and love
Wowzers! That’s quite a list.
The bottom line though, I was focused on my wants or what I thought I wanted or needed vs. trusting God’s will, his good and perfect will.
Are you asking, “how is that possible when words like laughter, calm, love, etc are all listed?”
I know I asked that question. Thankfully God put the answer right in front of me in written form with an excerpt from a book I was reading at the time, “Good or God” by the well-known author John Bevere.
“There is nothing good for you outside of My will. It doesn’t matter how good something looks, how happy it makes you, how much fun it is, how rich and successful you’ll become, how deeply spiritual it appears, how sensible it seems, how popular or accepted it is. If something is contrary to My wisdom and Word, it will ultimately be detrimental and bring sorrow to your life.”
What an amazing truth! If there is anything, a relationship, a job, service, activity, __________(fill in the blank), that is not the will of God, we don’t want it. Or we shouldn’t.
So how do we keep that as our focus, especially when life happens?
I don’t have some new concept or answer that’s going to blow you away. The answer is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. God and His Word.
However, there is caveat. We must be intentional in seeking His will and we do this in how spend time with Him.

- Learning
- Listening
- Discerning
- Living
All according to His will.
If we allow gaps in our time with the Lord, it creates an opportunity for the enemy to enter in, to twist, manipulate and deceive us. The same book I mentioned above, helped me think about it like this.
“If the serpent got Eve to believe there was something good for her that God was withholding. If this was successfully accomplished in a perfect environment, with a woman who had never before been abused, offended or taken advantage of, how much easier is the enemy’s task today in a fallen world filled with offense, corruption and deceit?”
Read that twice.
Was your mind blown like mine?
With that mind-blowing description, let’s not only be intentional in our time with God but let’s be intentional in the fight against the lies and tricks of the enemy. Let’s link arms, pray for one another, share truth-filled love and help one another stay focused in seeking God’s will. Let’s spend alone time with the One whose will for us is the true definition of good. There are a couple scriptures heard more often regarding Gods will such as Proverbs 3:5-6 and Romans 12:2, but let’s look at a few more.
"This Book of Law shall not depart from your mouth, you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it." Joshua 1:8
“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:17
"Don't be deceived dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:16-17
Notice how the first scripture says day and night? We should surround ourselves with His Word, whether that’s singing along with worship music, a bible study with a friend/group, reading a devotional, listening to a Christian podcast or digging in deep with His word in our quiet time. Don’t allow the gaps…that’s what helps us stay aligned with God’s will.
Also, did you notice the warning in the last scripture? Don’t be deceived! There will be things in this world that will seem good, but let’s pray to have discernment to only want what God defines as good.
Lord, You utterly amaze me. Thank You for being unchanging when the world around us constantly does. Help me Lord to not allow gaps or create opportunity for the enemy. May I be open to Your revelation knowledge that will speak to my spirit and know Your will for me. Guide me in consistently seeking Your good and perfect will. Protect my heart and mind from being deceived so may I obedient to follow what You say immediately and despite what may be seen knowing Your will is the one I want. In Jesus Name. Amen.
This weeks playlist:
Spirit Lead Me
Influence Music & Michael Ketterer
Let It Be Jesus
River Valley Worship
Be With Me
Brian & Katie Torwalt