Is the grass really greener on the other side?
We hear this saying all the time: The grass is greener on the other side!!! BUT my question is, is it really greener on the other side?
This really boils down to perspective:
So we have two fields; 1) Yes, it is greener on the other side. It is pretty, it’s flourished, it’s bright, you just want to go lay in it.
Then we have another field that’s brown has no color, and it looks like there’s no life to it, so no, we wouldn’t want to be on that side. Who wants to lay in dead grass? No one that I know of.
What we don’t know is on the not so pretty side are seeds being planted so that there can be a harvest later. The field that looks ugly is in the process, * which is another blog for later* to look like the grass on the other side.
So being on the bright green side would be nice, but we don’t know all the work that had to be done to be that green.
We may not be real happy with all the work that needs to be done to the not so pretty side, but in the end, it will be great.
So we have to wait, water, and pull the weeds that shouldn’t be there to make it grow! It is hard and can be painful at times, but I know I would rather have my own work done than to go through someone else’s work.