
Triple A. I’m pretty sure, it’s a service we’ve all heard of. They offer services to repair your vehicle, cover insurance, and more. I chuckled when this popped in my head.  I know, it’s a random thought in the middle of writing a devotional, but hey, sometimes we all need a chuckle. Plus, come on, when you hear “Triple A” what do you think of?

The service company isn’t the “triple a” God is leading us towards but I’m thankful he gave us a sense of humor and a good chuckle. Especially as we dive deeper into today’s message and I was putting pen to paper, well actually clicking away on the keyboard, the “triple a” words being written were angry, annoyed, and anxious.

Haven’t we all felt these? I know for me, I have and, in all honesty, recently. It’s one reason I decided to take a break from all social media platforms not too long ago. These words were becoming all too often emotions I was feeling as I looked at the world and current events. Which let’s be real, isn’t all that surprising because it can be hard to not feel anger, annoyed or anxious as we look at the world around us, and dig into what these emotions mean.

These emotions are in part meant to be a radar for us. A warning system of sorts that alerts us that something is amiss, our focus and direction have veered off course.

Proverbs 14:12

“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death.”

James 1:20

“because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

Luke 6:45

“The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for this mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”

As the world displays these emotions more and more, followers of Christ should respond to these emotions differently. See, I didn’t say we wouldn’t feel them, but it’s how we respond when we do feel them, that says we have something the world doesn’t.

We have confidence in another set of “triple a” words that encourage us and guide us to the One who offers repairs/insurance in a way that’s lasting.

Despite our feelings, because let’s remember, feelings can be fickle, we need to allow the assurances the Lord gave us to settle our emotions.

We have assurance that the Lord is with us.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

We have assurance that God has full authority no matter what’s happening in this temporary world.

“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28:18

We have assurance that no matter how we may feel for a moment our God is active.

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

These written words don’t mean that we won’t feel anger, annoyed or anxious at times, but looking at what God says about how we should respond when we do feel them, helps to lighten the load as we keep centered on our Savior and realign our heart and soul to be assured in Him.

Blessed Assurance

Lord, may my heart and soul rest in the truth that you have full authority and are active in my life, the life of those I love, and in this world. I surrender all my anger, annoyance, and anxiousness to You. Help me respond to these emotions in a way that shows You are my assurance. I praise You my Savior, send your light and truth and let them lead me. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Psalm 42:11

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior, my God.”

Psalm 43:3

“Send me your light and truth, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.”

This weeks playlist:

Leanna Crawford – Truth I’m Standing On (Official Music Video) – YouTube

Truth I’m Standing On

Leanna Crawford

No Doubting You ?| Church Online | River Valley Church – YouTube

No Doubting You

River Valley Worship

Kari Jobe – The More I Seek You w/lyrics – YouTube

The More I Seek You

Kari Jobe


  • I’m a faith-filled believer in Jesus Christ. I’ve personally experienced his mercy and truth and want to encourage others to have a relationship with Him. My husband Albert and I are empty nesters with two adult children. My heart is happiest on our back patio, enjoying quality time with family, relaxing in the sunshine, and appreciating beautiful flowers. I love the Lord and hope at the end of the race, I hear, “Well done, daughter”.

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