Who is ready for an uncomfortable question? Here is where my mind pictures a room full of people and no one raises their hand. Fortunately, you can read the question in the privacy of your own home and percolate on your answer. That’s where I found myself, at home in my prayer chair, when I felt this being asked of me and, in turn, pondered my answer.
Is my faith
that no matter how
life may become, no matter the cost,
will my trust in Jesus remain?
All of us want our answer to be “Yes!” to that question. Yet, we find ourselves in uncertain times where what should be a simple answer doesn’t feel so easy.
Even more so if we read through a variety of social media posts from people we know and those we don’t, or watch news outlets, or read articles and see what’s happening in the world. For me, this is where it got personal; there has been a slow yet steady thought that’s been building in me and has made me uncomfortable.
I need to be prepared for the possibility of losing relationships. I need to be prepared to be unfollowed, unfriended, no longer invited, included, or called friend. Dare I say disliked, disregarded, even hated, or accused of being a someone I know I am not.
While scripture supports this being a possibility, I still find myself feeling frustrated or even angry at times. There is an underlying message designed by the enemy to shake me, to shake you. A message in the world today that says I am supposed to feel shame, labeled a danger, or a hater for not agreeing or supporting things in the world.

But God…despite the chaos, deception, and unstable world we see around us, we should ultimately be seeking the only unshakable truth there is: a foundational truth for every sincere believer.
Jesus is worth everything.
Which leads me back to the question we asked ourselves earlier:
Is my faith UNSHAKABLE, that no matter how UNCOMFORTABLE life may become, no matter the cost, will my trust in Jesus remain?
Will it be easy? Doubtful.
Will I tremble and cry? Likely.
Will I be alone? No.
There are many today standing firm in faith and remaining unshakable to God’s Word. There were many throughout the Bible that set the example for us. They followed Christ regardless of their loss, suffering, or sacrifice. The Scriptures remind us that to be like them, we may have to be uncomfortable while we serve our God who is unshakable, and pray for the courage to be the same.
Philippians 3:7-8
“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ”
1 John 3:1
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”
Bottom line, I don’t want to be uncomfortable. Who really does? I do, however, want to be unshakable.
And based on the Bible, it’s rare to have one without the other.
Lord, thank You for all the guidance and wisdom you offer. Thank you that in a changing world, Your word does not. Help me share truth with people I disagree with despite being uncomfortable, help me be courageous and kind while doing so. May I be bold and not conform to the world, help me be unshakable in representing You. Let me be so uncomfortable with the idea of Your wrath and live my life accordingly. Let me be unshakable in my identity in You no matter how many false labels the world tries to apply. May I be willing to be uncomfortable in speaking Your truth, even at the risk of loss. Let me be unshakable in remembering who the real enemy is, knowing that just because the world approves of something does not mean You do. Let me be unshakable in my obedience to You above all else. In Jesus Name. Amen.
This weeks playlist:
Natalie Grant – More Than Anything (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube
More Than Anything
Natalie Grant
Kim Walker-Smith – I Say Yes | Live (Lyrics) – YouTube
I Say Yes
Kim Walker-Smith
So Will I (100 Billion X) Lyric Video – Hillsong Worship – YouTube
So Will I
Hillsong Worship