Who? Who do you believe yourself to be?
What? What truth do you need to believe about yourself?
Ok, let’s just pause for a second and acknowledge those may be some heavy questions. Here’s the thing though the reason the questions may be so heavy is because the answers hold so much value.
I am…if someone asked you to state five, just five, “I am” statements about yourself what would you say?
Most of us would say “I am” a mom, wife, grandma, or maybe mention a job title, etc. But what if all those options were off the table?
Let me share a story to help shed some light.
Several years ago, at a church event, there was an exercise in which ladies were handed a double-sided sheet of paper that had an outline of a hand. On one side we were asked to write strengths/positives, one on each finger, representing how we saw ourselves. It was called “What is that in your hand?”, referencing what we believe about ourselves. Once we completed our five, we were then asked to allow other women to write on the second side, this side with all ten fingers, representing how they saw us. As the speaker wrapped up giving instructions I thought, ok no biggie write five things down about myself.
However, when it came time to put pen to paper…I came up with two. Only two.
Is that because I possessed only two strengths/positive qualities? No.
It’s because at the time, that limited list was close to all I believed true about myself.
I look at that list today and my heart aches for the woman I was. My heart aches for the lies I believed about myself and honestly assumed others believed about me too. See, not only did I struggle with coming up with my own strengths/positives, but I struggled to believe and even questioned the words others wrote about me.
But God…beauty from ashes…grace…
There was a truth that was waiting for me and if you’re struggling with how to answer your ‘who’ and ‘what’, there is a truth that waits for you too. The absolute TRUTH. The truth of what God says about who and what we are.
Soak in that for a minute. The absolute truth, without waver, of what the King of Kings, our Father in Heaven says about you, about me. No one else. Not the world, not our families, bosses, even ourselves. But what God says.
The Bible is full of truths, and I’d like to say, I read the Lord’s word, what He said about me, and WHAM! I believed at my core, but like most work God does in us, it’s a process that peels back our layers and reveals truths to us as we’re ready to receive them.
One way the Lord did this for me, is thru a dear friend who poured into me and despite all the lies I believed, all the truth I wasn’t receiving, she didn’t quit speaking life into me. She kept on exposing me to how she saw me and ultimately how God saw me. During one of our many chats, I was allowing my shame to define me, and this fairly soft-spoken friend, very directly and firmly said, “You stop that! Don’t you believe one more lie”. Her strong response stopped me in my tracks. In that moment, my trust in our friendship and trusting her intent, well it was like a lighthouse in the middle of a storm. It was a God wink. One that said, “there you are my girl, I’ve been trying to get you to believe Me.”
After that moment I started something new. I started personalizing scripture.
Has anyone ever suggested that to you? To personalize scriptures? If not, here’s your suggestion, do it! And if you have done this, then you know the intimacy and power it can hold, so be sure to share that nugget of wisdom with someone in your life.
Here I’ll go first.
- Shahla is redeemed and forgiven. Ephesians 1:7
Now you try.
- _____________ is His workmanship. Ephesians 2:10
- _____________is victorious. Romans 8:37
- _____________ is complete. Colossians 2:10
- _____________is not condemned. Romans 8:1
Did you hear the intimate, grace-filled promises of God for you? These are just a few. Our God is abundantly gracious in outlining exactly who and what we are.
Once I started to truly believe I was forgiven, I was not the mistakes I’ve made, other truths started to take root in my heart and my head. Ones like, performance does not dictate; love, repentance and surrender are meant to be beautiful not condemning, all stories matter but it’s the ones that give God the glory that make a difference for eternity.
In fairness, I feel like I should offer a warning. The enemy of our souls will not like that your discovering God’s truth about who and what you are. He will, without question try to manipulate the truth, if possible, he’ll use people in your life and even culture to make you doubt it. When that happens stand firm on one absolute truth…

When that settled in my heart and head it was a gift. One that I was able to apply as I sat several years later and finally wrote out my five strengths/positives, without self-doubt, without being concerned if others believed them. Ultimately being confident in who and what I am in Christ.
So, in the spirit of vulnerability, and believing we make a difference by the word of our testimony I’ll share my handprint list.
- I am a prayer warrior.
- I am fiercely loyal.
- I am a writer.
- I am an encourager.
- I am planner.
Now your turn.

Lord, thank you for your declaration of who and what we are to You. Thank you for challenging us to grow and share our stories. May all of us learn to hear, believe and allow the truth You speak over us to be deeply rooted in our hearts. In Jesus Name. Amen.
This week’s playlist:
Out of Hiding
Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook
Well Done
Moriah Peters
Yours Amen
The Isaacs