
Getting to Know Jesus: It’s The Heart That Matters

Jewish religious leaders added their own laws and customs to the Law of Moses. Here is an example: one of the ten commandments states that you can’t work on the Sabbath. The Jewish religious leaders wanted to define work, so they came up with new laws (around 40) to mandate what was considered work including kindling a fire, erasing two or more letters, tying and untying, and separating two threads. They added their own laws to the laws of God, and as a result, the laws of God were watered down with the traditions of men.

Jesus constantly butted heads with the Pharisees and their traditions; their extra rules. In Luke 11:46 He called these extra rules “burdens” that people “can hardly carry”. Jesus and the Pharisees also did not agree on where the focus of the Law should be: on the inside of a person (his heart) or on the outside? The Pharisees focused on outside appearances, but Jesus taught that a person’s righteousness should be on the inside; it should come from a person’s heart.

“Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.” Luke 11:39-41

Going Deeper:

Read Matthew 6:5 (praying just to be seen by others), Matthew 6:16 (fasting just to be seen by others), and  Matthew 23:5-7 (dressing just to be seen by others).

After reading these scriptures, do you think Jesus is saying that you should not pray in public, fast in public, or dress for attention? If not, what do you think His message is?

Prayer Focus: Lord search me and show me the true motivations and intentions of my heart. Help me recognize when these motivations and intentions do not line up with your Word. Help me follow your example and focus on the inside and not on the outside. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



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I am a truth seeker by nature. My passion is studying God's Word and sharing His Truth with others.

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