
Getting to Know Jesus: Jesus Breaks with Jewish Tradition


Read Matthew 8:2-3 (touching leper), Matthew 12:1-2 (“working” on the Sabbath); Matthew 23:23 (tithing of the herbs); Matthew 15:1-9 (washing of hands), Mark 2:13-17 (eating with sinners); Mark 2:18-20 (fasting); John 4:7-10 (associating with Samaritans); John 5:8-11 (carrying mat on Sabbath).

In each of these passages, Jesus “took on” the Pharisees’ rules which the Pharisees believed lightened the Law, but actually just weighed it down. Jesus broke with the Pharisee’s traditions and as a result, He raised the Law back up to where God intended it to be.

Does the church today ever focus on outside appearances instead of inward righteousness? If yes, in what ways?


Are there times when you tend to be “legalistic” or focus on outside appearances instead of heart matters? If yes, what can you do to draw yourself away from a legalistic approach?

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son Jesus to lighten the burdens that You never intended for me to carry. Lord Jesus, I accept your invitation to come to you and take your yoke upon me so that I can stop struggling under the weight of these burdens. Teach me Jesus so that I can find rest for my soul. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.




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I am a truth seeker by nature. My passion is studying God's Word and sharing His Truth with others.

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