While salvation is a gift from God that all believers receive, there are also rewards for faithfulness and a loss of rewards for unfaithfulness. Because of this, our ambition should be to please Christ (2 Corinthians 5:9-10). As our righteous judge, Jesus will look at our deeds and reward us based not just on external service but on inward devotion. He will judge our deeds, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10). Good deeds are those that have eternal value and are accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. Bad deeds do not have lasting value and are done through our own volition and without the Holy Spirit’s power.
Throughout the Bible, we see example after example of deeds that pleased God. Look at the woman with the alabaster vial of costly perfume who didn’t consider the cost when she poured the expensive oil over Jesus’ head (Matthew 26:7-10) or Enoch who never experienced death but was taken straight to Heaven because he pleased God (Hebrews 11:5-6). Jesus talks about deeds in Matthew 10:40-42 when He says that we are to treat other believers well, and then we will be rewarded. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he instructs him to teach others to do good, be rich in good works and be generous and ready to share (1 Timothy 6:18).
Deeds Can Diminish Rewards
Not every believer will receive the same reward in Heaven. At the judgment seat of Christ, there will be those who suffer loss. However, regardless of the outcome on the judgment seat, believers can be assured that they will not lose their salvation. Don Stewart, writing for blueletterbible.org, illustrates this concept as follows:
“Let us say you have recently built a new two story house. While on the second floor, you smell smoke. Looking downstairs you see that the first floor is on fire. You jump out the second story window to save your life. You then watch your new house burn to the ground. Obviously you will have mixed emotions. You’re thankful that you were able to jump and save your life, but you sad because your new house is destroyed. This is similar to those believers who are saved but have nothing to show for it. They squandered their opportunities to live for Christ yet they are enjoying the benefits of Heaven with Jesus.”
The Bible also tells us that believers’ rewards can be diminished for not adhering to the truth and entertaining those who deceive (2 John 1:7-11). Sin, in general, can diminish our rewards. The choices we make now determine what rewards we receive in Heaven.
Crowns for the Victors
All who experience the judgment seat of Christ will possess the privileges and honors as children of God. Jesus tells us that He will acknowledge those who have acknowledged Him before the Father. His acknowledgment includes rewarding us in proportion to the faithfulness we show in life. The Greek word translated to “crowns” in English refers to wreaths of garlands placed on the heads of dignitaries and victorious military officers’ to honor them. Five crowns are mentioned in the Bible.
The first crown is the crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:7-8) which is given to those who don’t allow earthly things to distract them to the point that they forget that their true citizenship is in Heaven. These victors look forward to Christ’s Second Coming and live holy lives in expectancy of His return.
The second crown is the crown of victory (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). This crown is given to those who exercise self-discipline in their spiritual race and refuse to let their flesh dominate their life.
The third crown is the crown of life (James 1:12, Revelation 2:10) given to those who persevere under trial and are faithful no matter the difficulties and persecutions they face in this life.
The fourth crown is the crown of rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, Philippians 4:1), often called the soul winner crown. This crown is awarded for bringing people to Christ.
The fifth crown is the crown of glory (1 Peter 5:1, 4), often called the Pastor’s crown because it is a reward given to those who shepherd others.
Other Rewards in Heaven
Believers will receive other rewards in Heaven. Some believers will receive thrones (Revelation 20:4, Matthew 19:27-30), others will be put in charge of many things (Matthew 25:21). All of us will receive new names, a name which only He knows (Revelation 2:17, 3:12). We will have jobs serving God (Matthew 6:20).
Rewards are a wonderful benefit of serving Christ here on earth. However, they never should be the reason we serve Him. The reason we serve Christ should be because we want to please Him above all else – if loving Him and serving Him means we get rewards in Heaven that is an added benefit! Amen!
I am a truth seeker by nature. My passion is studying God's Word and sharing His Truth with others.
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