
The Rapture: But When?

Stephanie Solberg

I am a truth seeker by nature. My passion is studying God's Word and sharing His Truth with others.

There are many views on when the Rapture will occur. Some think it will happen before the Tribulation. Others believe it will happen mid-way through the Tribulation, and still others at the end of the Tribulation.[1] All three opinions are scripturally based; however, the main difference in interpretation is determined by whether the scriptures are taken metaphorically or literally. Using the literal approach and taking into account all that the Bible says on the Rapture,  we conclude that the Rapture happens before the Tribulation.

Christ Promised the Church’s Deliverance

If the Rapture occurs mid-tribulation or at the end of the Tribulation, that would mean that the Church would be forced to endure God’s wrath. Yet, Paul tells us that Jesus will rescue us from the wrath to come (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10), and Jesus himself promises that He will deliver the Church from the hour of testing (Revelation 3:10).

Christians Are Not Appointed to Wrath

In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Paul reassures the Thessalonians that they, as believers, will not experience the Tribulation. He goes into great detail about the Day of the Lord, the time when Jesus comes to judge unbelievers at the end of the seven-year Tribulation.  He assures the Thessalonians that they will not experience this “day” because they no longer walk in darkness but are children of the light destined for salvation. From this Scripture, we can be reassured that we, as children of the light, will not experience the Tribulation since it occurs before the Day of the Lord.

The Day of the Lord Has Not Yet Come

In 2nd Thessalonians, we see that the Thessalonians were concerned that the Day of the Lord had already come and that they had missed the Rapture. They were experiencing persecution, making them believe reports that the Day of the Lord had begun. Paul reassures them that the Day of the Lord had not yet come because before it does, the apostasy by the man of lawlessness must occur (2 Thessalonians 2:1-8). This apostasy is described by Paul as a religious rebellion where the man of lawlessness holds himself out as God. Daniel prophesies about this same man and event in Daniel 9:26-27, which begins the 7 year Tribulation. We refer to this man of lawlessness as the Antichrist.

The Church is Absent In Revelation’s Account of Tribulation

The first three chapters of Revelation mention the Church seventeen times. However, when the Spirit of the Lord shows John what is to unfold during the Tribulation, the Church is not mentioned. We don’t see the Church again until Chapter 19, when we see her return to earth with Christ during His Glorious Appearing. The only logical explanation for the Church’s absence in John’s account is that the Church isn’t part of the Tribulation; Jesus Raptured it before the time of testing began.

The Rapture is Imminent

The return of Christ is imminent. Imminent means it is ready to take place, or it is happening soon. There is nothing else that must take place before His return for the Church. Christ could return at any moment. Scripture after Scripture admonishes us to watch, be ready, and look for Jesus to come at any time. Hebrews 10:24-25, 37 tells us that day is drawing near and in a little while, Jesus will come and not delay. James 5:7-9 tells us that the Lord is standing at the door. And Jesus himself tells us in Revelation three times that He is coming quickly (Revelation 3:11; 22:7; 22:20)!

Regardless of whether you take the pre-tribulation approach, mid-tribulation approach, or post-tribulation approach, the Bible’s admonishment is the same: BE READY for HIS return! Scripture details what we should be doing while we wait for His return. It says that we should turn to God (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10), stimulate one another to love and do good deeds, not forsake meeting together, and encourage one another (Hebrews 10:24-25). It also admonishes us to be of sound judgment and sober spirit and to conduct ourselves with holiness (1 Peter 4:7, 2 Peter 3:11-18).  And last but not least, to fix our hope on Jesus (1 John 3:2-3).



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