
The Gospel of John: Water to Wine, John 2:1-11

John crafted his Gospel with us in mind. He wrote it so that we “may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we may have life in his name.” John 20:31 One way John reveals that Jesus is the Son of God is by presenting signs in the form of miracles that attest to Jesus’ special relationship with God. Although Jesus performed many miraculous signs, John focuses only on seven. He starts with Jesus’ first miracle: turning water into wine.  This miracle doesn’t seem as “urgent” as some of the other miracles of Jesus, but if you look closely, you will discover that this miracle represents so much more than turning water into wine.
Shortly after Jesus had called the first of His disciples, Jesus and these disciples went to Cana for a Jewish wedding celebration. During the celebration, the wine ran out. Jesus’ mother, who was also at the wedding, approached Jesus saying “They have no more wine.” It is not clear what she wanted Jesus to do or why she told Him, but Jesus said to the servants “Fill the jars with water.” The jars were ceremonial and normally held water for the Jewish ceremonial cleansing.  The servants did as He commanded and filled the jars to their brim. Then He told them “Now draw some [water] out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did what he asked and the “master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.” The master had no idea that the wine came from water, but was so impressed with its taste that he told the bridegroom “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” John 2:1-11
The disciples, Jesus’ mother, and the servants were the only people aware of the miracle. We don’t know whether all of the water turned to wine instantly or whether the water turned into wine as it was poured. It doesn’t really matter because water cannot become wine. Jesus changed the natural law through supernatural means.  He did the impossible. Through this miracle, God revealed His glory and the disciples believed.
It is fitting that Jesus performed His first miracle at a Jewish wedding in Cana because just as the groom offered a marriage covenant to his bride, God offers us a new covenant through Jesus Christ.  The new covenant promises forgiveness of sins and eternal life for those who believe in Jesus.
Every Jewish bride had a bride price which is part of the covenant presented by the bridegroom to the bride and her father. Bride prices were normally quite high, but not as high as the price Jesus paid for us – His life on the cross. The wedding covenant is a personal covenant – it is two becoming one. Jesus through His sinless life, His death, and His resurrection has promised each of us access to this new covenant, a personal relationship with Him if we will accept it.  He loves us as a groom loves his bride and was willing to pay the ultimate price for us!
The new covenant is a far better covenant than the old covenant and Jesus shows us this through His miracle at Cana. The ceremonial jars used in this miracle held water for the ritual purification of the Jewish people. This water was not for drinking; it was for ceremonial cleansing.  Under the Old Covenant, sins were not washed away forever; the Jewish people were constantly in need of purification which was accomplished through ceremonial cleansing, over and over again.  Jesus replaced this ceremonial water with “choice” wine which represented His blood that He would eventually shed for us.  The ceremonial water would never cleanse the people once and for all, but Jesus’ blood would. The ceremonial water represents the Old Covenant and the “choice” wine represents the New Covenant.  Just like the “choice” wine that Jesus made from the water, God saved the better covenant for last.
Not only does this miracle show us that Jesus has supernatural power over natural laws, a power only that God can possess as creator of all natural laws; and through Jesus, God is offering us a better covenant; it shows us that He is concerned with all aspects of our life, no matter how small.  Let’s be honest: turning water into wine at a wedding did not save or heal anyone, but it made an important day for a bride and groom better.  This miracle shows us that no matter how small or insignificant our problems seem, Jesus cares for us and He is willing and able to bless us with even the small things of life!



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